Step 4: Using Your Pillars Application

Application Environment Status

After successfully configuring your Application Environment in the previous step, you will be returned to the main Environments page. Here, you'll notice the status indicator next to your Environment has changed: the orange dot labeled "Initialized" has been replaced by a green dot marked "Ready".

Pillars Application Environment Ready to Use

Pillars Application Environment Ready For Use

Pillars Application Login

With your new Environment now configured, you're ready to login and use your Pillars Application. Next to the “Configure” button, you'll see the “Application Login” button activated.

Pillars Application Login Button

Pillars Application Login Button

Click on the Application Login icon to the right of the Configure button and you will be directed to the Application Login page at where you can enter your user credentials.

Pillars Application Login Screen

Pillars Application Login Screen


Multiple Environments

If you have multiple Application Environments associated with your Pillars Portal account, after signing-in, you will be asked to select the Environment for login.